Hiring Now | Apply for Construction/Planning Job in Dubai
Are you looking for Construction Jobs in UAE?. Ic Consultants ltd is one of the best company in UAE, Ic consult headquarters are in Munich Germany, look for IC CONSULT Linkedin page for more IC CONSULT reviews. Struggling on how to find IC-CONSULT Dubai careers ?.. Well, IC-CONSULT Jobs have been released every week. Apart from iC Consult salary, Here on our website (AjiraNawe) you will be able to find all IC CONSULT careers released in 2022. What is it like to find all best ic consulting job listings in one place!! cool aah..?. Here is on of the best vacancy released.
Job Responsibilities:
The duties of a construction and planning specialist are:
preparation of draft legislation on construction and planning, participation in the process of preparation of development and strategic documents and thematic plans, processing of applications for design conditions and preparation of design conditions, organization of operations in preparation and processing of detailed plans, etc.
Job Qualifications:
– Higher education (in acquisition);
– thorough knowledge of the relevant legislation;
– knowledge of legislation regulating the organization of local government;
– ability to compile and format administrative documents and official documents;
Other Recent Jobs
Are you looking for jobs in Dubai for foreigners or Construction jobs with salary ?. Well browse Dubai vacancies today on our website. More best fit jobs in Dubai for freshers and other released urgent jobs in Dubai 2022 are found here. Get hired today.